Volumes & Snapshots
How Volumes pricing works
The price for Volumes is calculated on the basis of the smallest unit of 1 GB. When creating volumes, the smallest unit is always 10 GB. After that, you can always expand volumes with the smallest unit of 1 GB. Charges accrue hourly for as long as the Volume exists.
How Snapshots pricing works
Snapshots are always associated with Volumes. As Snapshots are 1:1 block storage level copies of a Volume, the per GB pricing and the method of calculation are exactly the same. Charges accrue hourly for as long as the Snapshot exists.
Pricing per GB
Hourly price°
Monthly price°¹
1 GB
CHF 0.00015
CHF 0.1
Pricing examples
Hourly price°
Monthly price°¹
10 GB
CHF 0.0015
50 GB
CHF 0.0075
100 GB
CHF 0.0150
CHF 10
200 GB
CHF 0.0300
CHF 20
250 GB
CHF 0.0375
CHF 25
500 GB
CHF 0.0750
CHF 50
1000 GB
CHF 0.1500
CHF 100
° Prices are in CHF (Swiss franc) and don't include VAT. 1 CHF is usually equal to 1 USD. ¹ Monthly price estimates are based on 730 hours of usage.
Last updated
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